Women in A World of Men: Female Representation in Narcos and the Illusion of “Universal” Serial Fiction





This article analyzes the treatment of female characters in a contemporary narco-narrative, the third season of Narcos. Our research problem is to understand female representation in highly consumed products which, under a seemingly “neutral”, international, professional aesthetic, directed at a wide spectrum of “demanding” consumers, mainly give visibilty to male characteres. We use a case study to understand how, under the guise of universality, serial fiction maintains female underrepresentation.


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Author Biography

Marina Soler Jorge, Unifesp, Departamento de História da Arte

Sociologist and associate professor in the Department of Art History in the School of Philosophy, Language, Literature and Human Sciences of Unifesp and in the Master’s Program in Art History at Unifesp. She earned her bachelor’s degree in sociology and political science at Unicamp, a master’s in sociology at Unicamp and her doctorate in sociology at USP.


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How to Cite

Jorge, M. S. (2021). Women in A World of Men: Female Representation in Narcos and the Illusion of “Universal” Serial Fiction. Revista Estudos Feministas, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9584-2021v29n167486


