Current and Future State on Gender Equality in the Framework of the EU after the Spanish Presidency: Before and after the Work Plan 2006-2010


  • Belén Blázquez Vilaplana Universidad de Jaén, España



Spain held the EU Presidency for the first semester of 2010. During that period, the Spanish government made of gender equality policies one of its priorities. The Ministry of Equality was the main actor in this field, working in a transversal way with other bodies and institutions. Therefore, combating gender violence and human slavery for sexual exploitation at a European level became some of its main goals. This was also the case of the search for real gender equality, in contrast with the formal equality that we can find already in the first Treaties of the EEC. This article intends to assess the current situation, both in Europe and in Spain. The assessment will be carried out focusing mainly on the Work Plan 2006-2010 and on the last decisions as adopted by the EU. The aim is to check whether something has been achieved, whether any decision has been implemented, as well as to specify which measures should be taken, in order to fight against the inequalities that still exist.


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Author Biography

Belén Blázquez Vilaplana, Universidad de Jaén, España

Ganhou, em 2010, o Prêmio Cátedra Leonor de Guzmán (Câmara de Deputados e Universidad de Córdoba, concedidoa trabalhos de pesquisa em estudos de gênero) com o trabalho “La mujer en la cárcel: historia jurídica y políticas penitenciarias en España”. É colaboradora do Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer em temas de formação feminista (conciliação, estudos de gênero); professorado Doctorado Interuniversitario “Género, feminismo e igualdad de oportunidades” da Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), Baeza, España; e professora orientadora na Maestría Regional de Estudios de la Mujer e na Maestría en Violencia Intrafamiliar y de Género na Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. É membro do Seminario “Mujer, Ciencia y Sociedad” da Universidad de Jaén (UJA). Tem diversas publicações relacionadas com estudos de gênero, políticas públicas de igualdade e mercado de trabalho. Tem participado de numerosos congressos, jornadas e seminários nacionais e internacionais. Seus temas de pesquisa são: liderança política com perspectiva de gênero; estudos de gênero; análise de políticas públicas e mercado de trabalho.



How to Cite

Vilaplana, B. B. (2012). Current and Future State on Gender Equality in the Framework of the EU after the Spanish Presidency: Before and after the Work Plan 2006-2010. Revista Estudos Feministas, 19(3), 683.


