About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Texto Digital is a peer-reviewed electronic academic journal, published twice annually in June and December by the Center for Research in Informatics, Literature and Linguistics  - NuPILL, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Literature, the Department of Vernacular Language and Literatures and the Center of Communication and Expression at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.

Texto Digital publishes original articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Catalan which discuss several theoretical implications related to the texts created/inserted in electronic and digital media.

Interdisciplinary by nature and range, as implied in its title with the words “text” and “digital”, the journal embraces the fields of Literature, Linguistics, Education, Arts, Computing and others, in their relation to the digital medium, yet without privileging any specific critical approach or methodology.

In addition to the Articles Section, Texto Digital presents specific sections destined on publishing digital works of art, as well as interviews with recognized researchers and / or digital artists.

Once submitted, all articles that meet the general scope of the journal and its guidelines will be considered for peer-review publication, even in case of issues that may favor some particular subject-matter. 

Peer Review Process

Texto Digital adopts the double-blind peer review system, which means that both the reviewers and authors identities are concealed from each other throughout the reviewing process.

The Editorial Board sends each article to a minimum of two external reviewers, members of the journal’s Scientific Board, who will give their recommendations concerning the article within a thirty calendar-days period.

After review, articles might be:

  1. Accepted for publication with no restrictions;

  2. Accepted for publication under the condition of carrying out content-related corrections;

  3. Rejected.

In cases when an article is approved by a reviewer but rejected by the second one, a third reviewer’s opinion will be requested.

Articles that need any content-related correction will be sent to their authors, who must comply with all reviewers’ advice, and return it to the Editorial Board within ten calendar-days. The Editorial Board is responsible for checking their compliance with the reviewers’ advice. 

Publication Frequency

Revista Digital publishes its editions every six months, in July and December, and only in electronic format. Each issue presents articles submitted by authors and evaluated by the Editorial Board, a specific dossier on topics related to the focus and scope of the journal and a digital creation of researchers and artists invited by the editors.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public supplies greater global democratization of knowledge.


Texto Digital cares about long-term content access. Regardless of whatever might happen to its servers, all the journal’s digital files are safely stored in the Rede Cariniana through the LOCKSS software. LOCKSS creates a distributed file system among its participating libraries, which allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration.

Qualis Capes

Year 2014:







Out of respect for scientific ethics, Texto Digital adopts a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism. In those cases, the journal complies with the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and its flowcharts, available at: http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts.

Any plagiarism suspicion, which also includes republishing an article – in or from the journal – without previous communication to Texto Digital’s Editorial Board and its consent, must be addressed to the journal’s Editorial Board so 

that it may be verified. Should plagiarism be confirmed, the Editorial Board will take all necessary actions.


Plagiarism suspicions must be reported to:textodigital@contato.ufsc.br


Journal History

Texto Digital was first released in 2004 after the 1st Symposium on Literature and Computer Sciences, held at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in 2003 under the coordination of professors José Luiz Jobim and Héris Arnt.

The journal was created with the aim of providing an open space for debate on text theories that attempt to describe and understand digital textualities (i.e., literary texts created within a digital environment or meant to be used in such environment), and also to provide publicity for the digital arts and humanities in general, since, until that moment, there was almost no room for such topics within the academic field of Literature and Linguistics.

Currently, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) hosts and edits the journal, though its first issue was edited by the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Texto Digital had many editorial boards since its creation in 2004. Its first editors-in-chief were Rodrigo de Sales, now a tenured professor at the Fluminense Federal University, and Otávio Tavares, now a tenured professor at the Federal University of Pará. In 2010, Cristiano de Sales, professor at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, edited some thematic issues. Also in 2010, Texto Digital migrated to UFSC’s SEER journals plataform, and was edited by Tecia Vailati, Paula Ribeiro, Everton de Santa, Júlia Osório, and Patrícia Ricarte.

Since the first semester of 2014, Isabela Melim Borges (editor-in-chief), Cláudio Moura (editor-in-chief and professor at the Federal University of Piauí), Paulo Pergher, and Patrícia Ricarte compose the journal’s editorial board.

Throughout its history, all editorial boards have been composed by members of the Center for Research in Computing, Literature, and Linguistics (NuPILL/UFSC), coordinated by professor Alckmar Luiz dos Santos.