Use of analogic verbal-visual elements in creation of digital poems




The present article proposes the investigation of formal characteristics of verbal-visual textualities, more specifically comics and modern visual poetry, as a possible starting point for the reflection on its use in the creation of digital poems. In this sense, a brief analysis will be carried out on some basic characteristics of the digital literature as the overflow of signifiers and meanings and the idea of excess and excessiveness. Then, brief comparisons between the digital text and the characteristics of modern visual poetry and comics will be made, as a means of thinking aesthetic propositions for digital poems that at the same time maintain analogue page characteristics but which can aggregate impossible proposals outside the digital medium, create works that use a potential infinite page.

Author Biography

Rafael Soares Duarte, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Pós-doutorando CNPq pela UFSC, Doutor  em Literatura pela UFSC, Mestre em Teoria da Literatura Pela UFSC, Licenciado em Letras Português e Espanhol pela FURG.


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