Technological appropriation in teacher formation: between learning and connecting
This article aims to analyze the relationships that the students of a Licenciatura course in Pedagogy (beginners in 2015, distance modality - EaD) establish with the digital technologies and in what form this appropriation influences in their formation. This is a qualitative research and for data collection we used an online questionnaire, which was answered by 133 students of the course. The data revealed that the relations established with the technologies influenced in its formative process, since the EaD is a new culture and demands the establishment of relations with colleagues, contents, methodologies of teaching and evaluation, with specific changes in their contexts and processes, indicating new relationships mediated by digital technologies in teacher education. In addition, it was evidenced that public policies need to contemplate these new ways of building knowledge, of being in relation with the other and with the world, also offering conditions for technological appropriation.
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