Identities in communion
multimodal individuation strategies on a Facebook group
Based on the socio-semiotic approach to individuation elaborated by Martin (2010), on the Grammar of Visual Design by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) and, more globally, on the principles of Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis presented by Herring (2004, 2019), we propose a methodological procedure that allows the investigation of individuation strategies in their verbo-pictorial and interactional dimensions, revealing how ideational and attitudinal meanings couple to form discourse semantic bonds that serve as a foundation for allocation and affiliation moves. The procedure was applied to three posts instantiated on the Facebook group LDRV, which was shown to be a complex symbolic space in terms of its affiliative dynamic, manifesting distinct multimodal individuation strategies. At the end of the study, we propose four continua which allow a holistic characterization of the space under discussion by approaching the telic, discourse semantic, affiliative, and verbo-pictorial dynamics of different interactions, providing potentially useful categories for the contrastive analysis of texts instantiated on Facebook and elsewhere.
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