When the written and verbal modes meet: an analysis of the status relation in english teaching materials


  • Maria Eduarda Sousa Santos Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Vânia Soares Barbosa Universidade Federal do Piauí




The advances in digital technology facilitate the integration of different modes in the same composition. As a consequence, text and image are even more articulated, which makes contemporary communication even more multimodal (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006; MARTINEC; SALWAY, 2005). This scenario, therefore, requires changes in education, since it’s necessary to adequate pedagogical practices to the multimodal texts that are read daily by the 21st century reader. Thus, the present study aims to investigate the status relations between the written and visual modes (MARTINEC; SALWAY, 2005) that manifest themselves in texts which compose English reading activities available online and in printed materials in order to identify the role of image in these activities. These relations were observed in 73 reading activities, which were selected according to their multimodal composition and free access. The results showed a predominance of unequal relations in 58 activities whereas the equal relation was identified in 15 activities only. As pedagogical implications, we understand that the role of image still needs to be more discussed with language teachers so they can adequate their practices - not only in the classroom but also in the production of teaching materials - to multimodal texts. We also understand that the system developed by Martinec & Salway (2005) may be an instrument to mediate this discussion. 


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