Editorial policy

Manuscripts that do not meet the formatting set forth in Texto & Contexto rules can be submitted for initial evaluation. However, initial submission of the manuscript must follow the scientific article standard and include all the submission files necessary for review. Articles with review and final acceptance indication should be formatted by the authors according to Texto & Contexto specific requirements (standards for the references, tables, figures, etc.).

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem provides space for reflection and deepening of knowledge about issues of practice, teaching and research in health and nursing, at national and international levels.

The journal is published in a continuous flow. It accepts submissions of original manuscripts, reflection articles, experience and/or technological innovation reports, reviews and letters to the editor. Contributions designated to the dissemination of unpublished original research results are prioritized for publication.


Publication of special issues

The editorial policy of Revista Texto & Contexto Enfermagem for publication of thematic/special issues derives from two focuses: The first of them is defined by the journal Editorial Team with the objective of bringing several perspectives on topics of interest to the nursing scientific community, envisioning to increase journal visibility, as well as disseminating what has been debated theoretically and methodologically in academic/professional field. The second focus is to create a thematic/special issue based on scientific studies results presented at national and international nursing events, from themes of collective interest.

In both types of thematic/special issues, the manuscripts selection and analysis process follow the same analytical processes of manuscripts received in continuous flow. That is, critical analysis based on double-blind peer review and subsequent editorial team decision, which may be accept or not for publication, always with the possibility of authors performing revisions on their manuscripts.

The responsibility of managing the evaluation process of manuscripts received to meet the demand of thematic/special issues lies with the Revista Texto & Contexto Enfermagem editorial team, that is, Editor-in-chief and internal and external Associate Editors.


Peer Evaluation Process

The authors of a manuscript can follow its editorial flow through the ScholarOne system. As any and all decisions regarding the manuscript are communicated via email, they are made available in the system as soon as they are made.

All the manuscripts approved for their evaluation are forwarded to be submitted to analysis and opinion by different reviewers (blind peer review), and the decision is made based on each reviewer's experience. The invitation is sent via the ScholarOne system. The reviewer is allowed 5 days to answer in relation to acceptance or rejection of the evaluation request. After acceptance, the reviewer shall receive the link to access the system, where he/she will find a copy of the manuscript and the analysis instrument. The deadline to return the evaluation is 15 days from acceptance. Confidentiality of the authors' and reviewers' identity is guaranteed, as well as of their respective institutions of origin.

The reviewers can state their opinion and accept the material, indicate that it requires review to a greater or lesser extent, or reject it. The reviewers' opinions shall be submitted to an analysis by an Associated Editor and by the Editor-in-Chief, who will communicate the final decision to the authors.

The authors are allowed 15 days to implement the due adjustments, perform the linguistic review and resubmit the material via the ScholarOne system. They should restrict themselves solely to the corrections requested. The Associated Editor in charge of the manuscript evaluation process verifies if the review/correction requirements have been met, decides if the manuscript is approved or rejected, or if further adjustments are still necessary, and communicates his/her recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief.

The submission will be rejected if a significant similarity percentage between the manuscript and previously published content – plagiarism, self-plagiarism, etc. – is identified in any stage of the process.

The mean time from submission of the article to its evaluation and final decision is approximately 120 days.

The Journal's Editorial Team enjoys full authority to decide on the rejection, approval and publication of manuscripts.


Open Science Policy

The editorial policy of Texto & Contexto Enfermagem is based on rigorous quality criteria for indexing and publishing (including technical and normative aspects, graphic and textual quality and excellence in scientific content); on responsibility for shared management between the Board of Directors, Editorial Board and Associate Editors; and on the rigorous and constructive peer review, preserving the anonymity of authors and reviewers (double blinded). In line with the Open Science movement, Texto & Contexto accepts manuscripts deposited in preprint servers and offers the option of opening the process for peer evaluation of the manuscripts. The authors/reviewers can indicate whether they agree with this option at the time of submission/review. The names of the Editors that participated in evaluation of the manuscript are indicated/published in the final version of the article.

During the submission process, the authors should fill out the Open Science Compliance Form and send it as a Supplementary files NOT for review.

Texto & Contexto encourages the authors to share the data that originated the results and analyses of the article or to make them openly available, provided that this does not infringe human protection or other privacy and safety concerns.
The authors are also encouraged to consider the FAIR Data Principles and to deposit the dataset(s) in a well-known data repository capable of generating a persistent digital identifier, preferably a DOI, and that the repository has a long-term preservation plan, such as SciELO Data or Figshare.
The authors are also encouraged to cite any datasets mentioned in the article and to provide a Data availability statement.
At the time of submission, you will answer questions about availability of the dataset associated with the article. If your answer is affirmative, you will be asked to provide a pre-registered DOI, hyperlink or other persistent identifier associated with the dataset(s).
When one or several datasets are associated with a manuscript, they are not formally peer-reviewed as part of the journal's submission process. It is up to the authors to ensure data soundness. Any and all errors in the data are exclusive responsibility of those who produce the datasets.


The dissemination of articles published in Texto & Contexto Enfermagem is carried out on the journal's website, in the indexed databases and social media.

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