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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work is original and is not currently under evaluation for publishing in another journal; justify otherwise in "Comments for the Editor".
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word or RTF format (max. 2Mb).
  • All URLs in the text are online and available.
  • The text body is in single spacing; italicizes instead of underlining; and presents figures and tables in the text body, not in the end.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requisites described in the Guidelines for Authors, in the About section.
  • The manuscript is not signed, does not present the author's name or indication, and this information was removed in the file's Properties, ensuring the journal's confidentiality criteria, if it was submited for a peer reviewing genre (e.g. articles, essays...), as per the instructions in About > Submissions.

Author Guidelines

1. Editorial line and publishing policy:

a) the journal publishes works of many knowledge fields related to language;

b) manuscripts must not be simultaneously submitted or under evaluation in another journal;

c) contributions from the following speech genres are accepted:

article: innovative, resulting from empirical and/or theoretical study of a specific theme/problem;

essay: analysis and discussion of a current subject inside a specific knowledge field;

retrospective / literature review: historical-critical synthesis of the state of the art of a given knowledge field, subject or theoretical board;

review: presentation and critical analysis of recently published scientific books (2 years for national publication and 4 for foreign publication);

interview: interviewee must outstand on his/her field and the whole interview must be of interest to the academic community;

d) articles, essays, retrospectives and interview must present at least three thousand words and no more than nine thousand, including references and annexes; book reviews must present at least two thousand words and no more than three thousand.

2. Authorship: sole authors must be masters' students, carry a masters' or doctoral degree. Undergraduate students and/or bachelors may publish in coauthorship with an author that follow the requisites for sole authors.

3. Text structure:

a) title in Portuguese and English; or in English and another language;

b) do not insert author(s) names or filiation;

c) abstract in Portuguese and English or in English and another language with, at most, 250 words, in accordance with NBR 6028/03;

d) three to five keywords in Portuguese and English or in English and another language, beginning with a capitalized letter; separated by semicolons; and ending with a dot (e.g. Linguistics; Case study; Text production.);

e) second language title, abstract and keywords are mandatory;

f) The text body is in single spacing and 1 cm for first lines (do not use the Tab key for them); font: 13; italicizes instead of underlining; and presents figures and tables in the text body, not in the end;

g) references, in accordance with NBR6023/02;

h) annexes;

i) book review parts: the reviewed work's complete reference; author's name (e.g. Reviewed by John da Costa (institution)), the review itself, references (if any).

4. Other observations:

a) notes and commentaries should be put in footnotes; footnotes are not to be used for references;

b) citations must follow the NBR 10520/02 style:

- indirect citations: paraphrases, mentionings and translations (like APA, translations are considered paraphrases);

- direct citations with up until three full lines: followed and preceded by quotation marks; single quotations marks should be used for citations inside citations (secondary citations);

- citations with more than three full lines: new paragraph, 4 cm left indentation; single spacing; font 11,5;

- supressions in citations are indicated with: [...];

- additions in citations go in between brackets: [Note note note];

- citation style: author-date system; if the author's name is in the citing sentence, the date is indicated between parentheses: e.g. Saussure (1985) states...; if the author's name is not present in the citing sentence, it must be indicated between parentheses, in capital letters, separated by the date wit a comma: e.g. Text text text. (SAUSSURE, 1985).; If two works are reference, a semicolon follows the date: e.g. Tex text tex. (SAUSSURE, 1985; DUCROT, 1985); ciated pages must be indicated after the date, seperated by comma: e.g. Saussure (1985, p. 20) states...; Text text text. (DUCROT, 1985, p. 25). Citations or mentions of other citations are indicated by non-italicized apud: (BAKHTIN, 1985 apud ROJO, 2006, p. 25);

c) tables, boards and illustrations: must be in high definition for digital visualization and put in the text body; must be enumerated from number 1, with a title and source (if not developed by the author(s));

d) references list only cited works; must be organized alphabetically; for works with more than three authors, the first one may be indicated followed by et al.; italicize the work's title, except the subtitle;

e) do not translate references;

5. References examples

a) works as a whole (books, dicitonaries, dissertations, theses,...):

DINA, A. A fábrica automática e a organização do trabalho. 2. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1987.

RODRIGUES, M. V. Life quality at work. 1989. 180 f. Dissertation (Masters in  Management) - Economic Sciences Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 1989.

b) parts of works (book chapters, dicitonary entries, presentations...):

NOGUEIRA, D. P.. Fadiga. In: FUNDACENTRO. Curso de médicos do trabalho. São Paulo, 1974. v.3, p. 807-813. HALLISEY, C.. Budismo. In: OUTHWAITE, W.; BUTTOMORE, T.. Dicionário do pensamento social do século XX. Tradução de Eduardo Francisco Alves; Álvaro Cabral. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1996. p. 47-49.

RODRIGUES, M. V. Uma investigação na qualidade de vida no trabalho. In: 13º Encontro anual da ANPAD, 1989, Belo Horizonte. Anais… Belo Horizonte: ANPAD, 1989. p. 455-468.

c) journals and other periodicals (collections, issues...):

TRANSINFORMAÇÃO. Campinas: PUCCAMP. 1989-1997. Quadrimestral. ISSN: 0103-3786. VEJA. São Paulo: Editora Abril, v. 31, n. 1, jan. 1998.

d) parts of periodicals (articles, columns...):

ESPOSITO, I. et al. Repercussões da fadiga psíquica no trabalho e na empresa. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, São Paulo, v. 8, n. 32, p. 37-45, out./dez. 1979.

OLIVEIRA, W. P. de. Judô: Educação física e moral. O Estado de Minas, Belo Horizonte, 17 mar. 1981. Caderno de esporte, p. 7.

e) electronic documents:

O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO. Manual de redação e estilo. São Paulo, 1997. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 maio 1998. CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO, Brasília, v. 26. n.3, 1997. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 maio 1998.

MALOFF, J. A internet e o valor da "internetização". Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 26, n. 3, 1997. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 18 maio 1998.

TAVES, R. F. Ministério corta pagamento de 46,5 mil professores. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 19 maio 1998. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 maio 1998.

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Names and addresses informed in this journal are exclusevely used for the services provided for this publication. They are not disclosed for other means or third-parties.