The dialogical conception of language and Portuguese language teaching: a reflection from reports of teachers from the municipal net of Blumenau


  • Vanessa Alésia Souza Ferretti Soares Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



There are the national scene two types of factors - internal and external - that contribute to change the practice of language teaching (SOARES, 2002).  At this context, stands out the Applied Linguistics the Bakhtin’s dialogical conception of language, which have provided new perspectives for language teaching, and whose presence is visible in official documents (PCNLP 1998). Thus, this article aims to understand how such changes occur at the classroom’s context. Therefore, it is a qualitative analysis under the theoretical Bakhtinian (BAKHTIN, [1929]2006; [1952/53]2003) about reports of Portuguese Language teachers in Basic Education II. All these professionals are the course continuing education "Gestão da Aprendizagem Escolar” (GESTAR) participants. The analysis focuses on a) how these professionals have understood discourse genres b) how they have worked with discourse genres c) what are the implications of these practices to the educational process. This study aims  to contribute to the reflection of the current state of school culture (JULIA, 2001). The study have showed that there are practices like a Bakhtinian framework and practices converged with even a conception of language-system (RODRIGUES, 2005), and those made ??more significant implications to the educational process, such as development of authorship, for example.

Author Biography

Vanessa Alésia Souza Ferretti Soares, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (2010). Atualmente cursa o mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da UFSC.




