The Portuguese language teacher’s reflection on her teaching of textual production
In this research, we investigated teacher’s reflection about her teaching of textual production. The subject was a professor at the College of Application at UFPE- CAp, who ruled, at the time, a 6th grade class. She developed a didactic sequence involving the news genre, containing activities of production, evaluation, review and rewriting. As data generation procedure, we used simple self-confrontation, as defined by Clot (2007; 2010), in which the teacher was invited to watch five of her video-recorded classes and to talk about them. Data analysis were based on the concept of “professional schemes”, delimited by Goigoux (2001; 2002; 2007) and Goigoux and Vergnaud (2005). According to the data analysis, we verified that the teacher verbally explained the schemes used during the didactic sequence to teach her students how to produce texts. Thus, she was able to properly and without difficulty clarify her didactic objectives, as well as the rules of action and the theorems in action mobilized in the classroom. We noticed a close articulation between her practice and the theoretical-methodological assumptions that constitute the perspective of sociointeractionist teaching. Finally, the research indicated that there may be gains in the use of procedures such as self-confrontation in research that deals with teaching activities.
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