Active responsive understanding and relative subject autonomy in the teaching and learning of writing: an interpretive analysis
Within the reflexive and transdisciplinar area of Applied Linguistics (LEFFA, 2001; MOITA LOPES, 2006), this paper proposes a reflection on active responsive understanding and autonomy of students inserted in a context of teaching and learning of writing in Portuguese from an interpretive perspective. To do so, the concepts of dialogism and active responsive understanding, formulated in the writings of the so-called Bakhtin Circle (VOLÓCHINOV, 2017 [1929]; BAKHTIN, 2006 [1979]) and underlying authors (SANTANA, 2019; SILVA JÚNIOR; CRUZ , 2019; ZOZZOLI, 2002, 2012), were taken into account, emphasizing the discursive interaction and social dialogue associated with the relations of self and other in social practices, and the notion of relative autonomy, proposed by Zozzoli (1999, 2006). In the qualitative research perspective (ROHLING, 2014; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008), the data were collected in a public basic education institution located in the interior of the state of Alagoas during the first semester of 2018. The experiment was carried out from the reading of a basic text, collected on the internet, and the consequent moment of students’ written text production that dealt with the same theme. The analysis revealed that the students' levels of understanding are different, but some have demonstrated the passive understanding of the subject exposed to the basic text presented. Research indicates that the teacher’s dialogical approach favors the construction of reading skills and autonomy in the production of texts by students, which is demonstrated in the articulations that students perform in reading and discussions in the classroom with aspects of life in their own written texts.
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