A panchronic study on the verb "lacrar" from the processes of semanticization, lexicalization, grammaticization and discursivization


  • Vanessa Leme Fadel Steinhauser Universidade Estadual de Maringá




This work seeks to draw a procedural map of the verb "lacrar" in Portuguese, because several socio-historical aspects caused new semantics to be added to this verb. When considering language as a complex, dynamic and procedural system by nature, a multisystem approach is adopted (cf. Castilho, 2016) to make a panchronic study, in which the socio-cognitive device (CSD) is seen affecting all systems linguistic (discursive, semantic, lexical, grammatical). A priori, “lacrar”, in its denotative sense, meant only the act of closing / sealing products, objects and places, as in: (i) Operação lacra cinco agências. With the advent of new technologies, “lacrar” went through a process of semanticization, making it possible today to interpret this verb as a synonym for “rocking” / “doing well in something”, as can be seen in: (ii ) Khloé lacrou com look dourado. Because it is a verb, “lacrar” remained with its original inflections. However, the number of occurrences with the 1st person (singular or plural) appears to be less than with the 3rd person (he / she), which indicates that we have a grammaticalization process here, since one of the forms stands out. In addition, the lexicalization process is discussed in the verb “lacrar”, given that new words have emerged by derivation, as is the case with the noun "lacração" and the adjective "lacrador (a)". Finally, the discursivization process active in this expression is also questioned, since it seems to be more used to end shifts and speeches, and can therefore operate as a discursive closure marker.

Author Biography

Vanessa Leme Fadel Steinhauser, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

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