Expansion of the concessive system: the grammaticalization of apesar de (que) in the history of Portuguese





This paper discusses the grammaticalization process that generated the concessive periphrasis apesar de (que) in the history of Portuguese. Based on the founding nature of cognitive and pragmatic mechanisms, on the impact of contexts of use, and on a prototype of a concessive marker, our goal is to answer the following questions: which features of the noun pesar, combined with specific contexts, do help us explain the predisposition to this change? In which way do the concessive relations conveyed by apesar de (que) reflect facts of its constitution journey? Which relations may be apprehended with the gradual implementation of semantic change, and the structural composition as a complex junctive word? The research is carried out regarding the diachronic methodology ruled by polysemic patterns of pesar, with its respective distributive properties. The results provide a detailed chronological map of possible stages of change, in which the weight of the source word pesar, as a shell noun, is highlighted for syntactic and semantic generalizations and also for the action of the inferential processes that allowed concessive relations of cause denied and restrictive.

Author Biography

Sanderléia Roberta Longhin, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

Professora doutora do Departamento de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, do Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, UNESP/São José do Rio Preto. Atua no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Linguísticos, linha Variação e Mudança.


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