The expression of simple future tense, the third variationist wave, discourse genres and the world post-COVID-19: some considerations


  • Marcela Langa Lacerda Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



This text, written in honor Professor Edair Maria Görski, aims to rescue some reflections undertaken by Bragança (2017) regarding the theoretical and methodological implications arising from the centrality that the discourse genres gain in some works of the third wave of variation, giving rise to a new investigative angle for a variable phenomenon, such as the expression of the simple future tense. Through bibliographic research, we examine some literature (i) on this phenomenon and (ii) on the third wave of variation, to anchor a brief analysis of two journalistic articles dealing with the future post-COVID-19. The results of this reflection indicate, as theoretical and methodological consequences of the incorporation of new perspectives on the variation in the third wave of variation: (i) the perspective of the language as a social practice, with discourse practice receiving the most attention; (ii) the focus on understanding the social landscape of the discursive practices, by examining stylistic practice; (iii) the genres of discourse genres as the most productive framework for examining linguistic style; (iv) the linguistic style as a property of genres; (v) the linguistic and its exteriority as integrated dimensions; (vi) the indispensability of analyzing the social and verbal dimension of the discourse genres, so as to examine forms in variation/change; and (vii) the form-function relationship of the phenomenon on screen being contracted within the scope of the genre style serving its ideological orientation. Under this new angle, much remains to be investigated about the expression of the simple future tense.

Author Biography

Marcela Langa Lacerda, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Professora do Departamento de Línguas e Letras (DLL) da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Doutora em Linguística (área de concentração: Teoria e Análise Linguística) (2017), pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Pesquisadora colaboradora nos seguintes Grupos de Pesquisa da UFFS: (i) Estudos Sociolinguísticos, (ii) Estudos Gramaticais e Lexicais, (iii) Interdisciplinar em Políticas e Práticas de Educação (IPRAE). Desenvolve pesquisas a partir de interfaces entre os campos variacionista, funcionalista e dialógico, com ênfase nos seguintes temas: variação e gramaticalização; estilo linguístico; relação entre gêneros do discurso, formas e funções; expressão do futuro do presente; linguagem e identidade; usos sociais da língua em contexto acadêmico.


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