The designations for curau/canjica without coconut and the transition among northern, northeast and midwest speeches
a comparison of ALIB and ALiTTETTO data
Pluridimensional dialectology, ALiB Project, ALiTETTO, Food and cooking, Curau/canjica without coconutAbstract
The corn, just like the soy, is one of the main grain crops in Brazilian territory and its utilization goes from human consumption to derivatives manufacturing, such as alcohol, starches, oils, among others. Its wide dissemination as a food base in Brazilian cooking dates to colonial times, when the hinterland men used this cereal because of its planting is easy to manage and it is an important source of carbohydrate for the explorers and their animals. Currently, the corn is used as main ingredient for several Brazilian recipes, both sweet and salty; such delicacies receive, depending on the region, different nominations. In this context, this article presents the designations for the sweet delicacy commonly known as curau/canjica (without coconut), documented from the questionnaire applied by the inquirers of the Projeto Atlas Linguístico do Brasil (ALiB) in the North, Northeast and Midwest regions, comparing to documented data in the Atlas Linguístico Topodinâmico e Topoestático do Tocantins (ALiTETTO). The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the diatopy of the designations and how the Tocantins, a state that establishes a transition among three Brazilian regions, operates in the set of variants. To fulfill the objective, based on the documented forms, specific diatopic maps and a comparative productivity graphic were created. In summary, Tocantins presents a distinct dialectal behavior, unique in comparison to the set of analyzed regions, possibly resulting from its human formation.
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