Corpus approach towards narrative analysis of tense and aspect




This research, presented here, centers itself on how both tense and aspect are useful for the narrative analysis. This study presupposes narratives as texts with a temporal elaboration and progression, what demands abilities such as fore- and backgrounding. Such cognitive perspective is expected to dialogue with the Labovian position in the sense that the oppositions of fore- and background may be marked in the verbs. In order to understand how verbal tense and aspect are organized in spontaneous speech narratives in Brazilian Portuguese, the monologues from C-ORAL-BRASIL I minicorpus (RASO; MELLO, 2012) were manually annotated for the verbal categories as well as the Labovian categories (orientation, complication and evaluation). The results point to a tendency that complication will be marked mainly by simple past (pretérito perfeito do indicativo), while evaluation and orientation will be marked by present (presente do indicativo) and imperfective. Lexical aspect has shown an asymmetry between telic and non-telic verbs, and a slightly higher proportion of verbs of accomplishment and achievement in structures of complication.

Biografía del autor/a

Camila Antônio Barros, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Linguistic Studies (PosLin/UFMG), affiliated to the inCognito research group and the Laboratory of Empirical and Experimental Studies on Language (LEEL/UFMG).


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