What you learn with Disney princesses?


  • Michelle Brugnera Cruz Cechin Faculdade Porto-Alegrense




This paper problematize the ways female images are produced by large corporations toys, focusing the Disney princesses. It discusses how these stereotypical images produce effects in children's subjectivities. The creation of these characters is linked to a representation of the ideal of womanhood in contemporary culture: white, western, heterosexual, sporting ideals of the nobility and the bourgeoisie. Being present in infant play culture, it is necessary to reflect on the cultural pedagogy of these characters, who present modes of subjectivity children, teaching them about the “Disney enchanted world”.


Author Biography

Michelle Brugnera Cruz Cechin, Faculdade Porto-Alegrense

Graduada em Pedagogia (2005) pela Faculdade Porto-Alegrense. Especialista em Psicopedagoga (2007), Neuropsicopedagogia (2013) e Educação Especial (2013)


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