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Readings around silence





Some of the pieces by Belgium poet and artist Marcel Broodthaers (1924-1976) are presented in this article as a way to raise thoughts on the intersection between literary and artistic practices, having as its main pilar readings surrounding silence. Attempting a new relation between poetry, arts and media, Broodhtaers creates pieces highlighting the graphic interests of the poet as he obliterates words. This destabilization of the power of words brought to Broodthaers’s works an emphasis on the image through in a writing space. In Un coup de de?s and Pense-Be?te, for example, Broodthaers works mainly over existing pieces, distorting the idea of originality, and most importantly, exploring the vulnerability of words and meaning. By covering words and plastering books, Broodthaers calls attention to the substract, definied by American poet and critic Craig Dworkin, in No Medium, as what is left to be read. This way, between the said and non-said, word and image, Broodthaers arouses a new look at the role of literature, arts and media.

Keywords: Broodthaers; silence; substract

Author Biography

Deborah Walter Walter de Moura Castro, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL- MG)

Professora de Língua e Literatura Inglesa, poeta e artista, é autora de dois livros de poemas "Meias palavras são razão do forte vento" e "Só posso ir embora depois que jogar minhas palavras no poço". Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2003), é mestre em Literatura de Expressão Inglesa (UFMG/ 2007) e doutora em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada (UFMG/ 2016). Tem como principais interesses os estudos das relações entre palavra e imagem, novas poéticas e poéticas do silêncio, e atualmente tem atuado em áreas relacionadas à literatura e saúde. 


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2020-09-25 — Updated on 2020-10-21



