The poetry by Anne Sexton and the Cultural Industry




Anne Sexton, Cultural Industry, Neo-surrealism, Tale, Brand


This article seeks to interpret the importance of the poetic reflection about the Cultural Industry in Anne Sexton’s work. Frequently compared to Sylvia Plath, Sexton elaborates, in effect, a poetic diction marked by neo-surrealism, seeking the elements of the discourse of the cultural industry, such as the horoscope, the tale, the language of the marks. In this sense, Sexton’s poetry also reveals his non-romantic traits and attentive to the poetics of the surrealist object originated in the ready-made. The poetics of horror, inherent to the unutterable character of the surrealist situation of the object participates in this poetic diction torn apart by symbolic violence. By establishing a relationship with the magical-religious function, the language of the cultural industry also claims the real impact on reality.


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