Researching Latin American archives: a meta-reflection on the research process and the Archival Turn in literary studies
Archives, Latin America, Archival TurnAbstract
This article contributes to the Archival Turn in literary studies with a meta-analysis of the research process that resulted in the book Latino-Americanizando o Brasil: Literary criticism and transnational dialogue. Developed in archives located in Montevideo, Caracas, São Paulo, and Princeton, the research process allowed me to retrace the exchange
routes between Brazilians and Hispanic American authors dedicated to a greater approximation of their countries’ cultural and intellectual production. Using a selfreflective and analytical approach, I trace the development of my research, highlighting the questions that led me to the investigation of primary materials, the methodology I employed, and the configuration of the archives I researched. Based on this analysis, I explore some of the implications, possibilities, and limits of archival work in literary and cultural studies.
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