The Identification and Exploitation Process of Entrepreneurial Opportunity based on the Model of Organizational Learning 4i


  • Adson da Rocha Pita Albuquerque Mestrado em Administração, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Rivanda Meira Teixeira Universidade Federal de Sergipe- Mestrado em Administração



The analysis of entrepreneurial opportunity is a major theme in the field of entrepreneurship concerning the discovery, identification and exploration of business opportunity. This study aimed to analyze the process of identification and entrepreneurial opportunity to explore based on the Model of Organizational Learning 4i Crossan, Lane and White. This study is qualitative and uses the single case study strategy. Evidence shows that entrepreneurs passed by intuition stage, in which learning begins with the business idealization. Then the phase of interpretation, in which learning occurred in relation to the informal network of entrepreneurs, specifically with family. In the phase of integration, it was observed that the relationship with the formal network is an essential for organizational learning. Finally the institutionalization phase happens when the level of learning is incorporated into the organization, through the routines and processes as well as business expansion planning.

Author Biographies

Adson da Rocha Pita Albuquerque, Mestrado em Administração, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Mestrando do Propadm- Mestrado em Administração, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Rivanda Meira Teixeira, Universidade Federal de Sergipe- Mestrado em Administração

Doutora em Administração pela Cranfield University na Inglaterra e Mestre em Administração pela COPPEAD, da Universidade Federal do no Rio de Janeiro.  Pós Doutorado em Gestão Turismo na Bournemouth University, Inglaterra e Strathclyde University, Escócia (2001). Pós Doutorado em Empreendedorismo na HEC Canadá (2007). Professora do Mestrado em Administração da UFS (PROPADM).



How to Cite

Albuquerque, A. da R. P., & Teixeira, R. M. (2016). The Identification and Exploitation Process of Entrepreneurial Opportunity based on the Model of Organizational Learning 4i. Revista De Ciências Da Administração, 1(1), 25–38.


