The Formation of Management and the Conceptual Dualism theory-practice in Brazil
The debate about the growing gap between theoretical and
practical knowledge in the management training of Managers
arouses the central concern of this theoretical essay. It is assumed a certain position of strangeness in view of the situation
of limited recognition of Business Schools in the world, in
Brazil in particular, where renowned researchers warn about
the low relevance of our research. In view of this problem, the
objective of this theoretical essay is to reflect the relationship
between research in Administration and the development
of Administration as a professional training, considering the
discussions involving the conceptual dualism theory-practice
in the training of its members and graduates. As provocations
there seems to be an institutional shift that is present between
the research and teaching practices in Administration, with
its own logics that do not seem to privilege the production of
knowledge applied to the national socio-historical dynamics,
needing to think about the production bases of such knowledge, its logic of legitimation in search of a specific knowledge
of the Administration.
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