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Since 2002, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) has guided its actions on the principles of Recovery. In addition to the mental health programs and services in the community related to more traditional mental health care (outpatient, group activities/therapy, social services, etc.), DMHAS finances services related to new care strategies in psychosocial rehabilitation, case management, community support (peer support), and support for competitive and integrated employment. The Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) is one of DMHAS's mental health policy cornerstones. As amended in 2008, this law defines disability as a physical or mental health problem that substantially limits one or more major activities in an individual's life. This act recognizes that historically society has isolated and segregated people with disabilities and that such forms of segregation remain a severe and pervasive problem. The law provides a clear and comprehensive national mandate to eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The supported employment program for competitive and integrated employment based on the IPS model is an example of a Recovery-oriented care service, proposing "job first" for those with a serious mental illness who want to work. DMHAS finances 33 supported employment agencies across the state, in addition to 5 mobile units to assist people with substance use disorders.
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