The Comunidade de Fala Program in its five years of implementation in Brazil

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Richard Weingarten
Martha Helena Oliveira Noal
Eduardo Mourão Vasconcelos
Mônica Nunes de Torrenté
Caio Wilmers Manço


This article aims at presenting the Comunidade de Fala program in its implementation process in Brazil since 2015, through personal accounts and descriptive and analytical reports by its main leaders in the country. First, it includes a section indicating its historical and conceptual basis in the international mental health users’ social movement, focusing particularly the concepts of empowerment and recovery, and their several dimensions and strategies. Next, Richard Weingarten, one of the user movement leaders in the United States, also very active in Brazil for more than two decades, and the program creator gives a personal report of its aims and process of implementation in Brazil, followed by reports from its local leaders in Santa Maria (RS), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA) e São Paulo (BA).

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How to Cite
WEINGARTEN, Richard; HELENA OLIVEIRA NOAL, Martha; MOURÃO VASCONCELOS, Eduardo; NUNES DE TORRENTÉ, Mônica; WILMERS MANÇO, Caio. The Comunidade de Fala Program in its five years of implementation in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Mental Health, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 36, p. 228–249, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.
Lived Experiences: Narrative in first person


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