Impact of yield forecast on the fair value of sugarcane
Biological Assets, Fair Value, Productivity, Discounted Cash Flow, SugarcaneAbstract
The aim is to identify the impact of yield forecast on measuring sugarcane at fair value. Previous research identifies a certain subjectivity related to the fair value of biological assets without an active market, which is the case with sugarcane. Therefore, this study focused on alternatives to determine sugarcane yield following a quantitative and descriptive approach. The sample is from a plant in the state of São Paulo with 12 farms analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, comparing the fair value according to real data with: i) fair value with historical data; ii) fair value with agrometeorological model. The results demonstrate that the fair value with historical data is close to that of actual data in half of the harvest years, while the agrometeorological model did not show proximity to the fair value of real data, despite being useful when calculating the ton of sugarcane and the cost.
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