Chronicles of urgency: the challenges of science in creating the future in the Anthropocene




This article aims to reflect about the epistemological renewal and about the scientific challenges raised by the emergence of environmental collapse. For this, it was divided into four parts. In the first, based on the thoughts of Danowski, Viveiros de Castro and Latour, it analyzes the paradigmatic exhaustion of the models that has constituted modern sciences and takes into account the new transdisciplinary objects of study that characterize the New Climate Regime, to speak with Latour. Secondly, it analyzes discussions regarding the formalization of the term Anthropocene to designate the new geological epoch and its consequent insertion on the Geological Time Scale. Then, the focus is on the supposed generalizing character of the term Anthropocene to designate the present epoch. For this, it uses the concepts developed by the historian Jason W. Moore and the philosopher Donna Haraway. Based on the statements of Reinhart Koselleck and François Hartog, the fourth part indicates how the repercussions of the Anthropocene are operating on the regime of historicity of the global capitalized society. in contemporary times. Withal, it evaluates some of the main challenges faced by science as an institution in the task of convincing public opinion in order to mobilize it to increase the pressure on policies able to take measures that would mitigate the effects of the Anthropocene.

Author Biography

Alice Fernandes Freyesleben, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Possui graduação em História pela Universidade Federal do Paraná e mestrado pela mesma Instituição. Atualmente, é doutoranda pela linha de pesquisa Arte, memória e narrativa - AMENA, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal do Paraná, onde desenvolve, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Clóvis Gruner, pesquisas relativas à narratividade e à historicidade das práticas científicas, a partir da obra de Carl Sagan e dos debates relacionados ao Antropoceno.


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How to Cite

Freyesleben, A. F. (2020). Chronicles of urgency: the challenges of science in creating the future in the Anthropocene. Caderno Brasileiro De Ensino De Física, 37(3), 1099–1119.


