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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Contributions must be original and unpublished, and not under assessment by any other journal; otherwise, authors should justify it in "comments to the Editor".
  • Files should be typed in MS Word format, OpenOffice or RTF (maximum size 2MB)
  • All Internet links (URLs) must be embedded in the text (E.g.: active and ready to be clicked.
  • The body of the text should be single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font; using italics rather than underlining for emphasis, with illustrations and tables embedded in the text, and not at its end.
  • The text must follow the patterns for style and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, in the section "About the journal".
  • The identification of the authors of the text (including their home institution and previous works) has been removed from the file and of the “properties” MS Word option, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criterion, should it be submitted for the assessment by peers (e.g.: articles), as stated in the guidelines available at Guaranteeing the blind assesment by peers.

Author Guidelines

Contributions should be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. Editorial and publication policy: a) the journal publishes papers from various fields of knowledge whose interest is language. The papers should be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, b) the work submitted should not have been simultaneously submitted to another journal; c ) articles which amounts to a review of literature with no critical stance will be disqualified; contributions will be accepted in the following discourse genres: Article - unpublished, resulting from empirical research and / or a theoretical study of a particular issue / problem; essay - analysis and discussion of a current topic within a particular field of knowledge;   retrospective - historical and critical overview of the status of a particular field of knowledge or a theoretical framework; review – introduction and critical analysis of scientific books newly released (up to 2 years);   d) texts, including references and attachments, must have the following extension: article, essay and retrospective - at least 4000 words and a maximum of 10,000 words; review - at least a thousand words and a maximum of 3000 words.

2. Authorship: a) the papers must have no more than three authors; b) the authors should have a doctoral degree or be PhD candidate; c) Master or master student authors can publish in the system of co-authorship, since one of the authors of the work meets the criterion b.

3. Textual parts: a) title of the text in Portuguese, Spanish, and English; b) Author (s); c) affiliation; d) abstract with 100 to 150 words, written in Portuguese, Spanish, and English; e) keywords (3 to 5), in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, separated by semicolons, being the last word followed by a full stop; f) the text, including introduction and conclusion; g) references, prepared in accordance with standard NBR6023/02; h) Attachment;  i) textual parts of the book review: i1) complete reference of the book reviewed; i2) author's name (reviewed by so-and-so (institution)); i3) book review; and i4) references (if any). The abstracts must include: the work’s subject and/or aim(s), the theoretical base and the most important conclusions. In the case of research article abstracts, it is also important to explain the methodology (sample analyzed, participants, procedures etc.).

­­­­4. Other guidelines: a) the notes should be inserted in the footer, and should not be used to reference works; b) quote: - direct quote (which are not paraphrase) with up to 3 lines: in double quotation marks in the paragraph of the author; single quotes marks are used for quote within another quote; - quote with more than three lines: new paragraph, with a 4 centimeters border from the left, single spaced, font size 11; - removal of parts of the quote are indicated as: [...]; - additions or comments entered in the quote are separated by brackets [sssss]; – quote form: author-date system; if the author's name is referenced in the citing sentence, only the date is indicated in parentheses: Saussure (1985) said ...; if the author is not referenced in the citing sentence, he must be quoted in parentheses, in capital letters, separated from the publication date by a comma (DUCROT, 1985); cited pages should be indicated after the date, as in the following examples: Saussure (1985, p. 20) states that ..., (DUCROT, 1985, p 25).; quotes cited within another work should be indicated with “apud”: (BAKHTIN, 1985 apud ROJO, 2006, p 25); c) tables, pictures and illustrations: should be ready within the text where they should be; must be numbered from nº. 1, with a title and the source (when extracted from another source); d) the list of references should only contain quoted works; the ascending alphabetical order system should be used; in case of repeated author, replace the surname for a trace equivalent to 6 spaces; when there are more than 3 authors in the same work, give only the first and use the expression et al., title in italics (subtitle in normal characters).

5. Examples of bibliographic references, in compliance with NBR6023/2018 requirements:

a) references to books (books, dictionaries, theses and dissertations, conferences…):

BAKHTIN, Mikhail M. Speech genres and other late essays. Trans. by Vern W. McGee. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1986.

ALMEIDA, Danielle Barbosa Lins de. Icons of contemporary childhood: a visual and lexicogrammatical investigation of toy advertisements. 2006. 180 p. Doctoral thesis (Doctorat in Aplied Linguistics) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2006.

b) references to chapters in books (chapters in books, dictionary entries, papers presented in events...):

STREET, Brian V. Multiple literacies and multi-literacies. In: BEARD, Roger et al. The Sage handbook of writing development. London: Sage, 2009. p. 137-150.

BHATIA, Vijay K. Interdiscursivity in Critical Genre Analysis. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON GENRE STUDIES (SIGET), 4. Proceedings... Tubarão: UNISUL, 2007. p. 391-400.

c) periodicals:

TRANSINFORMAÇÃO. Campinas: PUCCAMP. 1989-1997. Quadrimestral. ISSN: 0103-3786.

CARTA CAPITAL. São Paulo: Editora Confiança, ano 16, n. 629, jan. 2011.

d) parts of periodicals (journal articles):

TABOADA, M. Discourse markers as signals (or not) of rhetorical relations. Journal of Pragmatics, v. 38, n. 4, p. 567-592, 2006.

e) electronic documents:

PEREIRA, Bruna Karla. The three left peripheries: bases for a cartographic study of Brazilian Portuguese word ‘lá’. Fórum Linguístico, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 1, 2010. Available at: <>. Retrieved on: 18 june 2011.


The Dossiers should contain articles on current issues and contribute to the epistemological and political debate in the area and must be coordinated by a professional or professionals of recognized competence on the proposed theme for the section.

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