Challenges in the training of Portuguese language teachers: the relation between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledg


  • Nara Caetano Rodrigues CA/CED/UFSC - Florianópolis - SC
  • Maria Izabel de Bortoli Hentz MEN/CED/UFSC



Studies in Education show that the configuration of undergraduate teaching degrees have provided a kind of teacher education in which specific content subjects are not in articulation with pedagogical content subjects. Resolutions 01/2002 and02/2002, as well as Advice 28/2001of the National Council of Education have caused significant changes in the curriculum of undergraduate courses, particularly when establishing the workload for the several curriculum subjects. In this sense, practicum should be an essential curricular component developed throughout the course, in order to enable the learning of teaching skills. This aspect of curriculum guidelines for teacher education has been challenged by means of an analysis of the curriculum of sixcourses of Letters of universities from Santa Catarina, in which some aspects of the Instrument of Course Evaluation CEE/SC have been examined. We could observe that there are different ways to achieve the workload of Practicum as a Curricular Component (PCC), established in the regulations: a) in different disciplines; b) in interdisciplinary mode; c) in specific disciplines

