Writing production in elementary school: correction of the text by teacher and review by the student


  • Jennifer Galvão Cezar Universidade de Taubaté
  • Orlando de Paula Universidade de Taubaté




This article presents a study on writing production teaching in the school context, focusing on the text revision by the student after the teacher's assessment. We try to answer the questions: how has the teacher held the feedback of the text correction to the student? What do the authors tell us about the area regarding evaluation processes of the student's written text correction? Apart from an interaccionist perspective, we turn to the authors that guide teaching through genres for a practice of writing production based on a dialogic perspective. We believe that only considering such aspects, the teacher can perform their feedback to students, expanding their vision about the writing production and recreating different correction strategies. Thus, this work suggests correction possibilities in the school context for students in the 4th and 5th grades in elementary school.

Author Biography

Orlando de Paula, Universidade de Taubaté

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo, Mestre em Linguistica Aplicada pela Universidade de Taubaté, Professor efetivo de Língua Portuguesa da Universidade de Taubaté. Desenvolve pesquisa na área de leitura e escrita no ensino de Lingua Portuguesa.




