Conditions of thought facing the acceleration and dilution of the limits in the contemporary world




In this study, our objective is to understand how thought, or, more specifically, scientific integrity, is interfered by the contemporary world, which is characterized by the ephemerality of information, by the quickness in the scientific production, and by the dilution of limits. We discuss plagiarism and the conditions to its occurrence: a productivism-driven society (WATERS, 2004); changes in the production of academic works (SCHNEIDER, 1985); questions related to the market economy (ADORNO, HORKHEIMER, 1974); and questions related to technology. We also discuss the continuous instability of the present society and its impact over forms of subjectivation (BERGSON, 2003). They are affected by the constant mobility of the means of communication, which alter the perception of oneself and the perception of reality. A kind of generalized distinction arises from the virtual; and automatic and mechanical activities are spread, which do not require deep knowledge (BALANDIER, 2006). Thinking occurs in a rhythm that is affected by deviations, digressions, pauses, without any constant results. However, thinking finds in immediatism and speed barriers to be put in motion. From this process, a technical competence emerges without mentalization. Ignorance over thought and knowledge leads to the disappearance of the author. We need to rethink the notions of the self, propriety over the self, author, and authority. The current ways of knowledge appropriation are fast and show the need to respect time, originality, one’s self thought and thought on the other.

Author Biography

Claudine Haroche, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa Científica - CNRS

Doutora em Sociologia pela Universidade de Paris VII. Diretora de pesquisas no Centre National de Recherche Scientifique ().

