Little Red Riding Hood in three versions: genre analysis in the systemic functional perspective
This paper focuses on the language functioning in instantiations of family story genres, according to the systemic functional approach of genre (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012), which is based on principles of the Systemic Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004, 2014). To demonstrate how lexicogrammar and semantic-discursive functions emphasize the instantiation of genres, three texts that share the purpose of involving readers/listeners were analyzed and compared: the classics Little Red Riding Hood, in Charles Perrault’s version, in the seventeenth century, and Grimm’s, in the twentieth century, and a reinvented version of this story in a school context in 2012. The analysis of the transitivity and appraisal systems, which contribute to perform the genre stages in each text, highlighted two instantiations of the narrative genre, whose purpose is to solve a complication, and an instantiation of the exemplum genre, whose purpose is to judge character or behavior.
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