The loss of V2 effect in the history of european spanish


  • Carlos Felipe Pinto Universidade Federal da Bahia



Several works in many theoretical perspectives indicated that the word order in old Spanish was different from the order of the current Spanish, which led the researchers in the frame of generative grammar to consider old Spanish as a V2 grammar. In this article, I propose a discussion to describe the grammatical change from a V2 grammar to a non-V2 grammar in the history of Spanish considering the presuppositions of the diachronic studies in the generative framework that consider language acquisition as the central place of linguistic change.

Author Biography

Carlos Felipe Pinto, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutor em Linguística pela UNICAMP. Professor Adjunto de Língua Espanhola. Docente Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Cultura.


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