Judicial sphere in focus: A look on initial petition as a genre
Drawing on the importance that Law has to society, sinceit is present in everyman’s history , it is relevant to better understandthe discursive genres of the judicial sphere. In this respect, our aim is to investigate one of these genres, the initial petition, taking into account its thematic aspects. For this purpose, we collected 25 copies of initial petitions on the official website of Bahia Court of Justice (CJ/BA), from various lawyers. In relation to the concept of discursive genres, we adopt as theoretical basis, Bakhtin's Philosophy of Language (2003). On the judicial field, we follow Didier (2015), Law textbooks and the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code (CPC) – (Law n° 13.105/2015). , Our analysis revealed that the initial petition is a rigid genre, highly standardized and with little possibilities for individual entries.References
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