Emergency of dar pra/de in the functional domain of deontic modal auxiliarization


  • Edair Maria Görski UFSC - Florianópolis - Brasil




We aim, in this work, to show, in synchronicity, the use of dar pra/de as an "emergent modal" (KRUG, 2001) in the functional domain of deontic auxiliarization. We follow a functionalist approach to language, based on: i) the notion of grammaticalization (HOPPER, TRAUGOTT, 1993; TRAUGOTT; DASHER, 2005), considering the principles of layers and divergence (HOPPER, 1991) and the concept of functional domain (GIVON, 1981, 1984, 2002); and ii) the notion of modality (BYBEE et al., 1994; GIVÓN, 2001, 2005). In the description of the functioning of the construction dar pra/de INF, we consider both the changes in the syntactic configuration of the construction with reflexes in the categorical status of the item, and the modal value involved (root possibility, ability, manipulation). Speech data (VARSUL Project) support the hypothesis of the emergence of a "quasi-auxiliary" (HEINE, 1993) modal, as well as of variation with poder (can) in this functional domain, which places the phenomenon at the grammaticalization-variation interface (POPLACK, 2011; GÖRSKI, TAVARES, 2017).


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