Punctuality trace in verbs with progressive morphology in English: (in)compatibilities





This research is aimed at investigating the aspectual readings triggered by the employment of progressive morphology in punctual verbs classified as achievement ones in American and British English, identifying the contexts which favor them and acknowledging restrictions for the interplay between the trace of punctuality and progressivity. It is hypothesized that only the aspectual readings of continuity, inchoation and iterativity are triggered by the employment of the progressive morphology in these verbs. The methodology consists of the application of a linguistic test and in the analysis of spontaneous speech of two corpora. Evidence shows that there are six aspectual readings triggered by the employment of the progressive morphology in the investigated verbs: continuity, inchoation, iterativity, prospection, habituality and termination. Hence, our hypothesis was refuted. It is argued that the trace of punctuality is restricted when achievement verbs with the progressive morphology trigger the readings of continuity, inchoation and termination.

Author Biographies

Adriana Leitão Martins, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professora Associada do Departamento de Linguística e Filologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Nessa mesma instituição, atua ainda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística e no Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Letras - UFRJ.

Matheus Gomes Alves, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Mestrando em Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Tem experiência na área de Lingüística, com ênfase em Teoria e Análise Linguística e em Gramática da Língua Inglesa. Atua no grupo de pesquisa de Biologia da Linguagem da UFRJ, com interesse na análise cartográfica da representação mental de aspecto nas línguas naturais.


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