Phonetic-acoustic detailing of CCV sylables in typical children's speech and with phonological disorder
This experimental study aimed at the phonetic-acoustic characterization of consonant clusters in CCV syllables. Children between 5 and 6 years old with typical speech and phonological disorders participated in the study. The results showed that the two groups are in the process of articulatory fine-tuning of the gestures involved in the production of CCV syllables, presenting the same acoustic events that characterize such refinement, such as devoicing, oral interruptions and multiple bursts. However, children with phonological disorders presented these acoustic events with greater frequency. For this group, we also found that the rhotic sound in CCV syllables was not produced; however, the VOT and the nuclear vowel had a longer duration when compared to the duration in the data of the typical speech group. These characteristics seem to show that children with atypical speech have phonological knowledge of the presence of a segment that is not yet produced by them.
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