Literary anthologies in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language)




This article considers the creation of literary anthologies in Libras, focusing on the methodological and theoretical elements that guided the making of the Anthology of Libras Literature published in the Libras Portal as part of a larger project for Documentation of Libras. We describe the theoretical and practical details underpinning the process of creating an anthology of Libras literature that may serve as a reference for future literary anthologies in sign languages. The anthology of the Portal de Libras contains 50 examples of literary works in Libras selected according to criteria that we considered important for such users as teachers, students, artists and researchers. An anthology is a resource for promoting Libras literature. It is through anthologies that we come to know the world's literatures, including that of the Brazilian deaf community. In this article, we present the origin of this anthology, the process of evolution and changes that occurred in response to the problems and challenges we encountered. As far as we know, we have created the first online anthology of Libras literature (and it may be the first of any sign languages ??in the world). Its construction was subject to "the accidents expected on the journey of any pioneering initiatives" (RAMOS, 2000, p. 1) and, learning from these accidents, the proposed anthology developed strategies to better understand the new terrain, to prevent the same accidents from recurring in the future and to foresee other potential problems before they happen. Thus, in this article, we present this process of the making of the first literary anthology in Libras.


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