From refraining-enunciative discourse marker to symptomatic interjection: constructional change in the post-paradigmatization of Espera Aí e Espera Lá


  • Flávia Saboya da Luz Rosa UFF



In this paper, we present the investigation of micro-constructions espera aí and espera lá. The objective is to catch the
interjective use of these expressions at a later stage of their establishment in the paradigm of the refraining-argumentative discourse
markers. The theoretical basis of this work is linked to the so-called Usage-Based Functional Linguistics (adapted from BYBEE,
2010), above all, it is related to the constructionist approach of Traugott and Trousdale (2013) and to the stages of linguistic change
by Diewald and Smirnova (2012). The research was carried out through the following corpora: Corpus do Português and Corpus
Tycho Brahe (13th to 20th century), Diário do Congresso Nacional (20th and 21st centuries) and digital collection of Veja magazine
(20th and 21st centuries). It was found that the first constructionalizations of the refraining-argumentative discourse markers
occurred in the 19th century, with a functional change of espera aí and espera lá in the 20th century, when they also began to exercise
an interjective function.


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