Por que não é a mesma coisa: o pensamento de Emília Ferreiro, implicações para a compreensão do aprendizado da escrita e equívocos de abordagem noBrasil


  • Rosângela Pedralli UFSC - Florianópolis - Brasil




In this article, we take up, analyze and discuss the relationship between Genetic Epistemology and the Psychogenesis of Written Language in order to problematize the (im)possibility of making these scopes compatible with historical-critical theoretical-pedagogical perspectives. This is, especially in relation to literacy, a fundamental reflection for the definition of formative projects that guide the curriculum and educational work. In the face of this problematization, we deal with the following axes of analysis and discussion: (i) the resumption of its place in the historical movement, (ii) its assumption as a methodological teaching procedure in contradiction with the very theorization produced by the author and her group of collaborators, and (iii) its way of conceiving the priority object of knowledge in the written modality of language, its theoretical elaboration, in relation to the totality of symbolic manifestations and the history of writing. The appropriation of the Alphabetic Writing System will acquire very different contours, synthetically, depending on the philosophical-theoretical foundation recommended.

Author Biography

Rosângela Pedralli, UFSC - Florianópolis - Brasil

Doutoranda em Linguística Aplicada pela UFSC


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