(Dis)lusophonies and (un)teachings: for other language policies


  • Alexandre Cohn da Silveira Doutorando em Linguística - UFSC
  • Charlott Eloize Leviski Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
  • Sabrina Rodrigues Garcia Balsalobre Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro brasileira (UNILAB)




In this article, we aim to reflect on the discursiveness of Lusophony as a project that integrates the cultural and linguistic diversity of Portuguese-speaking countries, discussing how the teaching of Portuguese language promotes decolonial teaching (MIGNOLO, 2011). From an integrationist perspective (HARRIS, 1998), we defend a vision of language integrated to the contexts of use, assuming language as a social practice and thinking about the internationalization of the Portuguese language in a plural and integrationist project. In the Brazilian university context, we present some institutional actions promoted by the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony that contribute to the construction of an integrationist linguistic education. Likewise, we discuss the teaching of Portuguese language in the political-linguistic scenario of the Literature course at this university from the perspective of ideological (STREET, 2014), anti-racist (NASCIMENTO, 2019) and resistance (SOUZA, 2011) literacies. We conclude that there is still a long way to go for the creation and maintenance of public policies that assume the commitment to an integrationist and democratic Higher Education.

Author Biography

Alexandre Cohn da Silveira, Doutorando em Linguística - UFSC

Doutorando em Linguística - UFSC


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