The insertion of new researchers in the Linguistics area: perspectives and motivations from the institutional scientific initiation
Scientific Initiation, Rhetorical situation, Discursive Community, Academic Reading and WritingAbstract
This research’s objective is to analyze teachers’ and students’ perception about the proposed guidelines for SI during the selection and insertion of students in PIBIC. Our study was linked to the socio-rhetorical perspective of genre studies (MILLER, 1984; SWALES, 1990, 2016; DEVITT, 2004; BAZERMAN, 2005), which combines Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The corpus consists of 11 semi-structured interviews carried out in person with teachers and students participating in the SI. The vision of scientific initiation that teachers have is aligned with what is actually proposed in the notice, that is, preparing students to be future researchers. Students, despite having the idea of being included in the research, also attribute to SI the development of reading and writing skills, that is, a more teaching-learning focused vision.
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