Pragmatic readings: developing interational competences in Spanish


  • Paulo Pinheiro-Correa Universidade Federal Fluminense



Pragmatics, Sociopragmatics, Spanish as a foreign language, Task-based instruction, Language learning/teaching


In this paper a proposal for a didactic unit designed for Brazilian students of Spanish is presented. The aim is to develop pragmatic competences in the target language. In the unit, the activities are distributed along some meetings, and the following pragmatic subjects are discussed: the relative value of diminutives; formality and forms of negation. The concepts of sociopragmatics, pragmalinguistics and pragmatic scripts (BRIZ, 2004) are also discussed. The activity, developed within Usage-based language approach (ELLIS; LARSEN-FREEMAN, 2009; BYBEE, 2010),  is concluded with a realization of a final task (NUNAN, 1996; ESTAIRE, 2007). The proposal was designed to fulfill students’ needs of sensitization about pragmatics for improving literacy in the foreign language.


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