Text-immanent meaning: Integrationist and terminological approaches to the indeterminacy of the sign


  • Bassey Antia University of the Western Cape




In this article, I put the fields of terminology and integrationism in conversation over the question of the indeterminacy of the sign. I employ the lenses offered by both paradigms to discuss data on the indeterminacy of terms in a text on legislative procedure. I argue that the data appear to confirm several related integrationist notions, including meaning-making as idiosyncratic contextualization and the reflexivity principle, thus making it apparent how the field of terminology can leverage on the integrationist philosophy of language to enhance its explanatory power. However, I also argue that theoretical insights from text-based terminology can serve as a corrective to perceptions of radical indeterminacy of the sign in integrationism.

Author Biography

Bassey Antia, University of the Western Cape

Professor of Linguistics at the University of the Western Cape. Ph. D in Applied Linguistics (Summa cum laude) from the University of Bielefeld, Germany


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