Alphabet: the social construction of an artifact


  • João Wanderley Geraldi Unicamp



Accustomed to authorial signatures from capitalism, we forget that throughout history many of the “products/instruments” we use resulted from the collective construction. They are artifacts. We defend here that the alphabet is included among them. And that its appropriation is an object of desire and power, so that the appropriation of the alphabet is subject to power games and the conquest of the right to literacy also responded to the needs of the productive systems and urbanization processes resulting from capitalism.

Author Biography

João Wanderley Geraldi, Unicamp

Professor Titular aposentado da UNICAMP. Neste texto retomo, em parte, exposição feita em mesa-redonda nos programas on-line da ABRALIN AO VIVO: “Alfabetização e letramento: um entrelaçar linguístico na pesquisa e no ensino”, disponível em


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