Linguistic attitude: acceptability of signs in Enem in Libras




Enem in Libras, Linguistics, Linguistic Attitude, Acceptability


This investigation is situated on the theme of linguistic policy in Libras. The objective is to analyze the linguistic attitudes expressed in the opinions of deaf signers regarding the term signs of the video test of Natural Sciences and its Technologies of the National High School Exam (Enem) in Libras in the year 2018. The methodology is of a quantitative-qualitative nature. and for data collection, two instruments were used (online questionnaire and interview). The attitudes expressed in the participants' statements were classified into four categories of analysis. The opinions of deaf participants show that their beliefs, values, trajectories and sociocultural experiences motivate different linguistic attitudes towards the signs-terms of the Exam. Arguments about utterances in Libras were cited, with the semantic aspect predominating as important to clarify the understanding of the term signs and, in turn, to endorse acceptability. Difficulties in the intelligibility of the video test questions were also mentioned due to ambiguous or even polysemic elaborations.

Author Biography

Thiago Ramos de Albuquerque, Federal University of Pernambuco

Professor da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.


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