Time periphrases in lectures and in oral interviews
Verbal periphrases, Time, Spoken languageAbstract
In the grammatical tradition, verbal periphrases have been described mainly in relation to their morphology. Only a few verbal periphrases are included in the paradigms of verb tense conjugation of Traditional Grammars due to the fact that, in the period in which the first grammars of the Romance languages were produced, inflectional morphology was privileged as a way of “valuing” characteristics of these languages that resembled features of Latin. The objective of this paper is to describe the use of time periphrases in a corpus of spoken language formed by interviews with researchers and by university and pre-university course classes. Through the tabulation of occurrences, a very high frequency of periphrastic forms was verified to the detriment of simple forms. In other words, it was verified that, even when the periphrasis does not have a supplementary function, that is, when it does not fill a gap in a paradigm, speakers more frequently opt for the compound form.
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