Another point of view: a feminine linguistic historiography in Brazil (1960-1990)


  • Cristina Altman University of São Paulo image/svg+xml
  • Julia Lourenço Costa Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Brazilian linguistics, Linguistic Historiography, Women in science


From the theoretical-methodological perspective that considers gender, the traditional conception of scientific neutrality and objectivity are strong points of inflection, since these values are also strongly anchored in a certain point of view. The imbrication between feminism and science promotes, for example, a greater interest in building socially situated knowledges, that is, those that resort to history, social relations, and the world to better understand the phenomena they analyze. From this point of view, the subjects' experiences are sources rather than obstacles in the scientific process and contribute to the promotion of a more critical scientific perspective. Thus, the "point of view epistemology" (HARDING, 1993) seeks, therefore, to review the theoretical and epistemological bases in which a particular scientific thought arises and, in view of this, to promote the understanding that points previously considered marginal also participate in the norms of research. In this sense, based on the assumption that linguistic historiography "has as its object the history of the processes of production and reception of linguistic ideas and the practices resulting from them" (ALTMAN, 2012), we intend with this research to exercise scientific reflection from another point of view on the same object. Based on a feminine perspective, we intend not only to highlight the great highlights of the discipline in Brazil, but also to put back the women in this history. This proposal is based on the observation that the available literature on the theme, with this specific clipping, is still not sufficient in Brazil and that, although diversity and pluralism are fundamental in science, these same values are not often observed when its historiography is developed., Our objective is not to question the relevance of the research that men have developed in Brazilian Linguistics, nor to contradict the historiographical work that has been developed so far. Our scientific gaze is more directed to the observation of the "increased interest both in linguistic historiography and in the status of women" (FALK, 1999) and to the possibility of building a feminine linguistic historiography in Brazil, which repositions the women, researchers and professors, who participated, and still participate actively in scientific movements and in the development of the discipline in the country.

Author Biographies

Cristina Altman, University of São Paulo

Professora Titular do Departamento de Linguística da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

Julia Lourenço Costa, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Julia Lourenço é pesquisadora FAPESP de Pós-doutorado na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar - FAPESP processo número 2017/12792-0); é doutora em Letras - área de concentração: Linguística, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP); realizou estágio de pesquisa (Doutorado Sanduíche) na Université Paris-Sorbonne IV, sob a orientação do Prof. Dominique Maingueneau; possui mestrado em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e é graduada em Letras - com licenciatura plena em Português/inglês - pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). É membro participante do Laboratório de Estudos Epistemológicos e Discursividades Multimodais, da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LEEDIM-UFSCar) e do Grupo de Estudos Semióticos, da Universidade de São Paulo (GES-USP). É editora da revista Linguasagem - Revista Eletrônica de Popularização Científica em Ciências da Linguagem - uma realização do Departamento de Letras e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - PPGL-UFSCar. Tem como foco as áreas de Linguística e de Língua Portuguesa, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Análise do discurso francesa, Semiótica greimasiana e Comunicação.


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