The civility link in the file of Brazianity: the early days of the Lula Government from the perspective of knowldge and power relations in Foucault


  • Pedro Henrique Varoni de Carvallho Federal University of São Carlos image/svg+xml



Lula, Third term, Modernity, Archive, Braziliness


The article analyzs the production of enunciabilities and visibilities in the inauguration ceremonies of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva for his third term as President of Brazil in January 2023. The images of the new presidente’s inauguration with representatives of civil Society ascending the ramp are articulated with the discourse of the Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Sílvio Almeida. The inscription in another order of discourse, following the contested election with Jair Bolsonaro, reveals domains of memory of a modern Brazilian identity, evident in the arts and song. The destruction of artistic objects in the headquartes of three branches of government by Bolsonaro supporters, wich followed Lula’s inauguration, demonstrates the lack of identification of Bolsonaro voters with this matriz. Through these discursive events, we intend to consider the tense coexistence between two matrices of Brazilian identity- one modernista and anthropophagic, the other liberal and slave-owning- that permeate, in a disjointed manner, our most recente historical experience. The analytical method employed is the Foucauldian archive.

Author Biography

Pedro Henrique Varoni de Carvallho, Federal University of São Carlos

Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística da UFSCar.


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