Meta-analysis of scientific publications hei with brazilian environmental management system
The Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are being pressured by changes towards sustainability and thus awakening to environmental management, they are considered as a leader in promoting sustainability through actions and environmental management practices. Following this logic, this study aims to identify the environmental management practices used in Brazilian HEIs and correlations exist that influence the implementation of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The quantitative approach is applied through documentary research with secondary data published in proceedings, journals, books and portal Scientific Electronic Library (SciELO). The data analysis occurred through meta-analysis using descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation. The results of 34 scientific studies 23 IES referencing models and practices of waste management published from 2001 to 2012 were identified. The Spearman correlation analysis expressed that HEIs with programs in environmental education performed better ranking General Index of Courses. It is recommended that HEIs that have a waste management deployed, share your experience through scientific publications to disseminate their adaptation practices regarding the SGA.Downloads
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